The Autoimmune Hepatitis Association

A research collaboration between Indiana University and University of Pennsylvania (which included members of the AIHA Medical Board and our AIHA Executive Director) has shed some light on the burden of metabolic conditions (type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity) in autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) patients and how these disorders may impact AIH treatment. This is particularly important since many AIH patients are prescribed steroids, which can increase the risk of metabolic conditions.

Data collected in the study showed that over half of patients already had at least one of these conditions at the time of their AIH diagnosis. Unfortunately, after one year of AIH diagnosis, nearly two-thirds of patients had developed a metabolic condition. On top of this, having a metabolic condition was associated with not having excellent control of AIH liver-related inflammation by one year after diagnosis. The authors suggest that treating doctors should be aware of these conditions and work to manage them better as they may have impact on AIH patients’ overall outcomes.

Read the full article.